Gorani Geheimen

[112] Some Kurdish officials in Iraq have described this as evidence of the Iraqi government’s aim to return to a centralised political system and abandon the federal system it adopted in 2005.[113] In September 2023, the prime minister ofwel KRG, Masrour Barzani sent a letter to the president of the United States, imploring him to intervene, and warning of a potential collapse ofwel Kurdistan Region and the “federal ontwerp” in Iraq.[114]

Turkey's government says the YPG and the PYD are extensions ofwel the PKK, share its goal ofwel secession through armed struggle, and are terrorist organisations that must be eliminated.

I recently bought the Tamron 50-400 lens and I’m loving it. Perfect to zoom in to make a photo ofwel a part ofwel the landscape but also side enough to get a nice wide shot of the mountains.

Those forces captured the key border town ofwel Jarablus, preventing the YPG-led SDF from seizing the territory itself and linking up with the Kurdish enclave of Afrin to the west.

The Academy of Urbanism kan zijn a politically independent, not-for-profit organisation that brings together both the current and next generation of urban leaders, thinkers and practitioners, as well as those that support our programmes, events and activities.

Kurds and other Non-Arabs account for ten percent of Syria's population, a total of around 4.9 million people.[146] This makes them the largest ethnic minority in the country. They are mostly concentrated in the northeast and the north, but there are also significant Kurdish populations in Aleppo and Damascus.

Wow, ur blog is epic! It’s cool to see a diff side ofwel Iraq than hetgeen people usually think. Thnx for sharing dis hidden gem.

Een resultaten over een HDP op provinciaal en gemeentelijk niveau gedurende een Turkse algemene verkiezingen van Sudad 2015

Attempts were made to sever the ties ofwel the Gorani people with the Turkish-Islamic culture. Islamic schools were closed and religious classes were banned. Today, approximately 150 students are studying in Brod village primary de kleuterschool.

Serving everyone from famous politicians to tourists and all the locals in general, Mam Khalil was opened in 1952 and hasn’t been closed since then.

After October 7, this question has become a matter of grave importance, amid crackdowns on free speech and protest. Five writers reflect on the state of Palestinian life today.

The most famous Kurdish intellectuals and politicians and from other places in the Middle East have slurped sweet Kurdish tea in this hidden, cozy café, and you should do the same.

The present state of knowledge about Kurdish allows, at least roughly, drawing the approximate borders ofwel the areas where the main ethnic core ofwel the speakers of the contemporary Kurdish dialects was formed. The most argued hypothesis on the localisation of the ethnic territory ofwel the Kurds remains D.N. Mackenzie's theory, proposed in the early 1960s.[17] Developing the ideas of P. Tedesco[28] and regarding the common phonetic isoglosses shared by Kurdish, Persian, and Baluchi, D.N. Mackenzie concluded that the speakers of these three languages form a unity within Northwestern Iranian.

Saladin, painted 1568 One ofwel the periods where Kurds were at the peak of their power was during the 12th century, when Saladin, who belonged to the Rawadiya branch of the Hadabani tribe, founded the Ayyubid dynasty, under which several Kurdish chieftainships were established. The dynasty ruled areas extending from the Kurdish regions to as far as Egypt and Yemen.[32][33]

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